Get your Christmas gifts early. Donate to TOH today!
Expert shoppers know that early Christmas shopping eases some of the stress of the holidays. The optimum shopping occurs when shoppers start their holiday shopping early. They avoid the crowds and bypass skimpy inventory during the last days before Christmas.
If you're an effective, early-bird shopper, we hope Dallas Leadership Foundation is high on your Christmas shopping list. As you plan to purchase gifts for your loved ones, please consider buying gifts for Dallas Leadership Foundation's signature outreach, Treasures of Hope. This annual outreach is our largest need going into the last part of 2017.
DLF will host the Christmas Store Dec. 11-15 at the Plaza of the Americas in downtown Dallas. The store is a robust community event that creates a festive atmosphere for families to purchase quality gifts at affordable prices. Families who attend also get the chance to learn about benefits from social service agencies that partner with DLF. Families also participate in nightly chapel services held during store hours.
To make supporting this event easy, we've set up an online store that allows you to purchase gifts for families who participate in the Christmas Store. Each gift you buy is shipped to DLF to stock our store. You can browse our online gift catalog by going to
If you prefer, you can donate money to Treasures of Hope, set up a gift collection box at your business, or give the precious gift of your presence and time by volunteering at the Christmas Store.
Remember -- it's not too early to plan how you can bring someone else Christmas comfort and joy!
Photo by Markus Spiske on
Published on October 24, 2017 @ 11:54 PM CDT
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