Seek, petition and implore our God
Every day is a great day to pray.
But now is a great time to pray without ceasing – not only for our families and communities. Now is a great time to pray for our nation.
More is moved by prayer than we fully know.
And countless circumstances may be unmoved because we don’t.
Why not ask God to deepen the love of the church for their Redeemer Jesus by igniting fires of revival?
Why not ask the Lord to increase the affection of His church for those who don’t know Him?
Why not ask Him to show the church her capacity to fulfill the work of God to transform communities block by block?
Why not ask the Lord to give wisdom to our leaders in every sphere of influence?
Why not implore Him to bring peace to cities and prosperity to those in need?
Why not seek Him for individual and corporate strategies to bring people to Jesus?
Why not ask the Lord to help the church better understand His ways?
Sometimes we forget. We really do. The Lord's hand is not too short to answer our petitions, and He loves it when we turn our hearts toward Him.
All power belongs to Him and all solutions come from Him.
We can start with “Our Father,” and ask that God's will be done – on earth as it is in heaven…
Please keep Dallas Leadership Foundation in your prayers as we prayerfully walk out God's purpose for us. To find out more about us, visit
Photo credit: Joshua Earle --
Published on July 25, 2017 @ 8:11 PM CDT
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