We're recruiting! Volunteer for the Transform Dallas workday
Leadership begins with serving. On Sat. April 8, 2017, you can help Dallas Leadership Foundation and local churches celebrate the power of leading by serving others through the second annual Transform Dallas citywide workday.
The workday is part of a Transform Dallas community service campaign that acts as a springboard for expanding projects annually and throughout the year. Our goal is to serve our community together -- across denominational, racial, class or political differences.
The Transform Dallas core planning team includes Concord Baptist Church, Fellowship Church Dallas, Friendship West Baptist Church, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Park Cities Baptist Church, and Prestoncrest Church of Christ working in partnership with Dallas Leadership Foundation.
We're partnering together to feed the homeless, show hospitality to refugees, visit patients in hospitals, and make home improvements for Dallas residents -- free of charge.
Interested? Volunteer registration opens on Friday, Feb. 24, 2017. Sign up at the Transform Dallas site to let us know you're ready to pitch in!
*Photograph of 2016 Transfom Dallas volunteer.
Published on February 21, 2017 @ 3:44 PM CDT
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