Our Impact

For over three decades DLF has demonstrated that three building blocks are critical in making sustained gains in challenged communities:

  1. Building strong relationships based on trust and respect.
  2. Developing and working in partnership with community leaders
  3. Effective collaborative action that helps community members thrive in tangible ways.


community members served in 2023


men in 2023 received workforce development programing including job readiness and job training leading to living wage jobs.


youth identified, trained, and prepared from elementary through high school to lead today, as well as in the future.

Impact Highlight

Together we can impact lives

Our Approach

Our decades-long commitment to transform communities.


Our decades of working in deep relationship and communities help us to identify potential future leaders who hold the keys to empowering sustainable change.


Many of these future Leaders are diamonds in the rough, not fully recognizing the gifts they innately have to make a difference in their community. Calling these strengths to Light is part of our calling.


Our training programs combine short and long term goals with practical application that prepares Leaders for impact that lasts multiple generations.


We make an impact for Christ by raising up Leaders in under-served communities through a process of decades-long transformation.

One act of leadership changes lives

Take the first step to make a difference