Transform Dallas

Transform Dallas 2024 - June 22

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Transform Dallas began in 1998 under the name City of Hope. This workday allows volunteers from within DLF neighborhoods to partner with organizations like Hamilton Park UMC, Prestoncrest Church of Christ, Texas Instruments, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, and Home Depot to bring much-needed improvements to their community. Areas of work include landscaping yards, painting homes, cleaning alleyways, and assembling and delivering care packages. Ultimately, this program improves the quality of life for elderly and low-income neighbors across the City of Dallas. This one-day event will include volunteers from different backgrounds working together on multiple projects throughout Dallas.

During the Transform Dallas workday, local leaders of the neighborhoods and community-based nonprofits will receive needed support and resources to complete projects to improve the communities where they work. The Transform Dallas Core Planning Team is a consortium of diverse leaders who decide and prepare for the work projects prior to the event.


Transform Dallas 2023

DLF, partner churches, organizations, corporations, and over 300 volunteers came out on a hot Saturday in late June to make much needed improvements across Dallas. Partner churches included Hamilton Park UMC, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Prestoncrest Church of Christ, and Primera Iglesia Bautisata.

Areas of work completed included landscaping yards, painting homes, food and clothing distribution, plus assembling and delivering care packages.

Thanks to the collaboration of our neighborhood leaders in Owenwood, Hamilton Park, Wynnewood Heights, and the Historical 10th Street District, we were able to serve 1,425 community members. Transform Dallas would not happen without Home Depot who provided volunteers and funding for the event and Texas Instruments, and Behr Paint who supported the event as well. This type of community effort inspires hope and a sense of pride in our neighborhood partners.


Project Photos



Rev. Sharon Elizabeth Harris, Executive Director of E’s Haven Academy, expressed gratitude for new Ring monitoring installation.